Campaign Manager - Campaigns

Pausing Campaigns In Campaign Designer

You can pause a running campaign if you need to make any changes to it.

Pausing a campaign will allow any existing output processing to continue and complete. If you want to stop current output processing, you must cancel the campaign. See See Campaign Manager - Campaigns.

Pausing a campaign has the following implications:

  • The campaign will no longer implement any creatives.
  • Event data will not be collected, no triggering will occur.
  • If you are using approvals to make edits to a campaign and the campaign is paused, you need to withdraw any approval requests or reject the campaign to move it back into the editing state.
  • If approvals is on and the campaign is paused but no changes are made, the campaign can be restarted without going through the approval process.

Campaigns may also be paused and restarted by the Data Load Process. Any campaign paused in this way may be opened and edited in Campaign Designer, but will not then re-start by the Load process and would need to be re-started manually.


  1. In Campaign View, search for and open the campaign you want to pause.
  2. The Campaign Designer screen opens, click the Pause button .
    The campaign status changes to Paused.
  3. Click Start when all necessary amendments have been made to resume running the campaign.
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